====================== General Info ======================= Title :Police Truck Filename :Truck.qle Date :6/11/1997 Author :Warren Hwang "Zodiakilla {LK}" Email Address :warrengzodiac@hotmail.com Library Theme :uhhh..I guess vehicles.. Description :a police truck as good as I could do before qoole would crash cause of my low mem. Download Sites : http://www.qoole.com Additional Credits :Clan Lethal Killers for the Idea ...special props to Bunnykiller, Assman, and BenDover ======================= Construction ====================== Texture Wad(s) Used :I'm not sure..I don't have a lot of mem so using the tex would crash my comp..I did as much as I could tho. Build Time :2 hours not including the textures Known Bugs : ======================== File Index ======================= 0preview.bsp Preview of prefab objects in Quake. 0preview.qle Source for the preview level. prefab1.qle Discription of 1st prefab obj. prefab2.qle Discription of 2nd prefab obj. etc.... ======================= Other Info ========================= ================= Copyright / Permissions ================== These BSP/MAP/QLE/WAD file(s) may (NOT) be distributed over the Internet and/or BBS systems (without my permission).YEAH! You are (NOT) authorized to put these BSP/MAP/QLE/WAD files on any CD or distribute it in any way (without my permission).HEH! Permission to distribute these BSP, MAP, QLE and/or WAD file(s) on the Qoole Web/ftp site and on the Qoole CDROM is hereby